Water, freezing, flood damage

Damaged wall exposing burst water pipes after flood

Water, freezing, flood damage

Depending on your policy, it is essential to distinguish between flood and any other type of water damage since claiming uncovered peril will result in claim being automatically denied.

flood is when water from rain or existing water source rises up and overflows onto normally dry land and in most cases, flood damage requires additional endorsement to your policy.

However, there are various reasons for water appearing in your property – it may be natural such as rain causing water intrusion from breaches in a roof or window, or it could be caused by plumbing leaks, burst pipes, sink or tub overflow, sewer or toilet backups (those two may also need additional endorsement) or any other internal cause. Water travels quickly and can spread easily thus it’s easy to under-estimate extent of damage during a superficial-only inspection. Without thoroughly investigating and looking for hidden damages water may have caused right away, those damages may remain hidden (and worsen!) for any amount of time until mold or anything unusual appears.

Our Public Adjusters will thoroughly investigate both visible and hidden water damage to your property to ensure you will be compensated for the full extent of the damage including clean up and prevention of any future water- related problems.
